Our Story
Many people ask “What made you want to start this business?” Really, the answer is pretty simple. As nurses in the midst of a pandemic, we were searching for an outlet. To find joy again. So, what started out as an occasional hobby, we decided to see if anyone else would find joy in our products too. There’s something about mixing and creating raw, natural ingredients and turning them into your own unique creations. We are proud to say that our products are all-natural and high quality. A true labor of love.
About Us
Bailey Tucker
Bailey is co-owner of Humble Homestead. She also works fulltime as critical access nurse. Being able to use such a wide variety of skills has kept her interested in her profession as she is able to learn new things literally every day. Bailey is also married and has two kids. Will (12), is an outdoors guy. He is a carbon copy of his dad. He loves anything hunting, fishing and trapping. He excels when it comes to these hobbies. He is not a kid that thrives in a classroom environment but we are working on it. Harleigh (9), has a little more of a handle on the academics with a large dose of girly girl. Ironically, she has inherited 99% of her genes from her mom. But her girly looks can be deceiving as she is not afraid of the outdoors. Bailey really enjoys teaching both of her kids how to find and use resources off of the land, with the goal of raising self-sustaining children if the occasion ever should arise. Bailey fills her free time working out, spending time with her animals, foraging, researching and constantly learning new holistic ways to cure ailments and just learning overall homesteading techniques. Bailey’s role in Humble Homestead is more knowledge-based. Bailey has had a passion for herbal and holistic medicine. Bailey enjoys creating recipes based off of ailments or herbs she has available. Understanding the pathophysiology behind the ailments to allow for Humble Homestead to create the best product it can. Bailey wouldn’t describe herself as crunchy but definitely has an alternative way of looking at the world.
Ashley Bean
Ashley is a co-owner of Humble Homestead and works full-time as a critical access nurse. She enjoys the variety that her job offers- being able to do Med/Surg, ER, OP infusion, OB, and Vascular Access makes each day different. She has always had a passion for taking care of others. Ashley is married and has two children. Her son, Brayden, is twelve and a mini-me of his dad. He is very smart, and loves a good challenging game of chess. He has the biggest heart for others, and an even bigger heart for Jesus. Her daughter, Brinley, is eight (going on eighteen) and is a mini-me of her momma. Brinley has a smile that lights up the room, and loves big. She’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind, and I’m sure she will be a leader someday. When she’s not spending time with her kids Ashley enjoys gardening, reading, volunteering at church, spending time with friends and family, learning new things, and exercising. She thoroughly enjoys a challenge and is always striving to be a better version of herself. Ashley and Bailey have worked together for almost ten years, and have been best friends ever since. They are A LOT alike and share very similar views on a lot of things. Ashley is the “numbers guy” for Humble Homestead- finances, taxes and business related aspects. She loves a good spreadsheet. She is also passionate about holistic health and the benefits of herbal medicine. Brainstorming and trying new recipes, researching and learning new things has been a great challenge for her and a fun outlet.