How to Start a Homestead


I have always been an independent person by nature. Hesitant to rely on others, and feeling the need to be self-sufficient. I had honestly never given the term “homesteading” much thought. It’s not exactly a widely used term. As I’ve grown as an adult and am raising a family of my own, I have spent a lot of time figuring out what is important to me and what my goals are. Homesteading is at the top of my list. So, what is homesteading? Homesteading is a pretty general term referring to a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. Which can mean a lot of different things to different people. One example would be a rancher raising his own cattle to feed his family. Growing and preserving your own food, making your own clothing, raising farm animals, and even homeschooling your kids are all examples of what homesteading can mean. There is a great sense of pride and accomplishment eating food that you grew with your very own hands. It is also a great way to save money. Some people are even able to sell their excess and make a profit. Homesteading is also a great way to know exactly what you are getting in a product. There’s no artificial ingredients or chemicals. You are in complete control of what you are okay and not okay with using. This option is far healthier than what you would buy from the store. This is also a great opportunity to teach your kids awareness about what they consume. Get them involved! They will be in awe of watching that garden grow and excited to help pick the final products. Or sending them out to find those eggs your chickens hatched! Homesteading can be whatever you want it to be, every family’s needs and goals are different. Happy homesteading!


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